Employee Retention - Employee retention is key to the growth of your company. After identifying your high potential employees, you will need guidance on the best strategies to minimize employee turnover. These strategies can include providing good benefits plans, offering continuing education and mentoring, as well as financial incentives such as profit-sharing plans and incentive plans.
Business Succession - Succession planning is important to the success of a small business to develop your employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepares them for advancement or promotion into leadership roles. I can assist you with identifying your vision for the future of your company and help you move toward that goal.
Wills - Although many of us would like to avoid making a Last Will and Testament, it is an essential document that helps ensure that your intentions for your family are enforceable. Without a valid Last Will and Testament, the distribution of your estate will be left to the Surrogate's Court, often creating family turmoil and wasting the assets of the estate instead of distributing them to the intended beneficiaries. For most of us, a simple will can prevent these eventualities. If your estate is substantial, I can refer you to attorneys whose area of concentration includes complex estate and tax planning and administration.
Powers of Attorney - Another key component to a complete estate plan is the creation of powers of attorney that appoint and authorize a designated agent to make financial decisions and medical decisions. A Financial Power of Attorney can give your agent powers as narrow or as broad as you want and can limit its enforceability to a determination that you are disabled and unable to tend to your financial affairs. A Medical Power of Attorney identifies the person that you would like to act on your behalf and allows them direct access to your doctors and medical records.
Medical Directive - Often referred to as a Living Will, a Medical Directive allows you to control your end-of-life experience by setting forth your intentions to be carried out when you are terminal and no longer able to communicate. Your Living Will protects your family from having to make those difficult decisions without knowing your wishes.